With allergies I cannot buy many scented candles, air fresheners, or room sprays so I have found a great alternative! Stove boiled house freshener! Sliced lemons, limes and oranges and spices. Below is a Christmas scent jar, it smells awesome. I received this as a gift from a friend at work.

Ingredients in Scent Jar
1 tablespoon of cloves
3 cinnamon sticks
3-5 bay leaves
2-3 Lime Slices
2-3 Lemon Slices
2-3 orange slices
1. Slice your fruit
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3. Put all ingredients in a mason jar.
4. Fill jar with water.
5. Seal jar and keep in fridge till use.
Usage Instructions
1. Pour contents in a pot.
2. Simmer on low heat and keep adding water as needed.

What I have been making lately! This stamped washer sells for $10.00 and can have anything that will fit stamped on it!
I’m really interested in you homemade crafts.At Christmas I received a pumpkin seed flower from my daughter in law. I have received many comments about it. I’m looking for crafts for our Lioness club for our Christmas bazaar.I’m looking for easycrafts that don’t requirespecial knowledge.I am 89 years old and still active in the club . Of course the younger ones will be helping too. I hope you acan help us. Thank you
I can help show you how to make them just call me