Quilting Yarmouth | Nature Quilt | Quilting Club

Wednesday Night at my house in Yarmouth, NS, me and a few friends get together to quilt! We are all learning, some more experienced then others but loving every minute of it.  I started out taking quilting classes at Dayton Fabrics in Hebron as I did not own a sewing machine. Luckily after searching for hours on facebook Yardsale group in Yarmouth I found someone selling an old Singer Simple for $10.00, I freaked and went to pick it up, the machine works beautifully.

Now I just take what I have learned and work on my quilt at home! My favorite tools so far, the rotary cutter, you can get this kit(cutter, extra blade and cutting mat) at Walmart for $19.00. This was my far was a great investment. It’s a little scary and I have almost cut my finger off once or twice, but for cutting fabric squares it’s perfect!

Here is my first quilt nearing completion:

Here is my next project:

Me and Maddy laid out the squares to see how it would look:)

I enjoy quilting, sometimes I feel like I am 29 going on 80 lol.


Quilting Class Nova Scotia

Dayton Fabrics Quilting Class- While continuing my jewelry adventures, I have started quilting! I have always wanted to learn from being younger and helping my grandmother quilt, so now I am taking a class! For $10.00 a class, it should take 4 classes to finish it, I cannot wait, here is the progress so far, me and my step daughter laid the quilt pieces out this weekend to look!