My mom is awesome and beautiful! Since she said she enjoys my writing, I decided to write about her to celebrate Mother’s Day. Love the picture above of mom, me and James, I think she looks like princess Diana.
My mom growing up did so much with us. She was my doctor when I decided to shove random things up my nose and got them stuck, my hair dresser with a bowl for measuring, an awesome cook, especially of kraft dinner. She was our brownie and scout leader, she volunteered at our school to serve hot lunches, taught Sunday school and most of all, my mom was and is my bestfriend.
Our birthday parties were awesome. We played games like the toilet paper game where we raced to wrap each other up like a mummy. The caramel game where you had to unwrap a caramels with mittens on, or hot potato, all I remember is having lots of friends and family there and having FUN! Now as I’m older I realize how much work she put into our birthdays. She stayed up late the night before and made our cakes every year too, my favorite was the train cake.
I loved it so much! She made candy shops, dinosaurs, trucks and a barbie with a cake dress once. I realize how much hard work it was now as I made the train cake for my stepdaughter Maddy, it took hours and patience!
Mom taught me well!
Love this picture! Shows the popcorn strings on the tree, I remember mom teaching us to make them with cranberries too and patiently trying to get me to not eat all the popcorn. Mom was always coming up with a new craft idea or being creative. Love my funny brother wearing his ear muffs while opening presents and also in the picture,one of our favorite Christmas presents…marble works! We were always spoiled rotten at Christmas!
Thank you for Tasha! She is like a sister to me because you babysat her so much and had her over for sleepovers. I know we got along most of the time but I was a brat maybe at times lol. Thanks for treating her like a daughter too. I am glad she was around so much as a child.
My mom the protector is what this picture makes me think. One of my earliest memories of my mom, was also one of my scariest. Not because mom was scary but because she saved me from drowning! I do not remember how old I was but I remember vividly sitting near the edge of the water (ocean) with mom a few steps away. I was at least 4 I think? I remember sitting with my back to the water playing in the sand and a rogue wave came and knocked me back into the water and because of the undertow I could not sit back up. I remember trying so hard and then just freaking because I realize I cannot get up no matter how hard I tired, the current was too strong. Just before I needed to take a breath in, my mom got me out of the water. Thanks for saving my life mom! 🙂
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This is Mom and Alex at the dollarstore playing with swords lol. Mom I love that you can do silly things like this still!
Mom and Alex shopping, Alex standing on the cart like I remember doing often when shopping with mom.
This is one of my favorite pictures of mom…pure joy and happiness. Some other things I remember mom doing clearly is making me barbie clothes, making play dough, teaching me how to make Ukraine easter eggs, making many different crafts, mom was always doing something with us.
My mom is kind and completely non judgemental. What you wear, look like, age, sex, race etc. my mom is kind to everyone. It does not matter who you are! I love that mom has always accepted people for who they are.
I love the piano. Many influences like Robert Mackay and my one of my best friends Lena, kept me going…but mom first pushed me, got the piano and lessons for me. I didn’t like the lessons, but to this day I still love the piano. Oh and thanks for letting me also get out of piano lessons! I didn’t like to sit still that long lol.
Thanks for teaching me some lessons as a child too. I personally think I was a great child..didn’t do anything wrong lol.
For example when I was young I remember being out back by the sandbox with Tasha having a swearing contest lol. I am guessing I won! I should have been given an award, but got punished instead. I was so stubborn I’d find a way to enjoy any punishment you gave me lol except when you gave my Christmas Santa pin to Tasha lol. That was traumatic lol. I was a bit of a brat I guess. How did you not spank me mom?? Lol.
I remember how well me and James got along at times! I would scream if James looked at me and him the same. James would line up his army men for hours and have hundreds of them lines up, then I would fall on them, or get the dog to run through them. I would line up my crayons in a box and James would knock it over…. didn’t we give each other hair cuts too? Lol I’m sure that was so much fun for you.
Oh and mom, I promise not to make you breakfast for Mothers Day this year as I remember you saying you didn’t enjoy breakfast one year for Mothers Day. Apparently me and James took flour, eggs, milk and other things out of the fridge and mixed them on the floor and cooked it directly on the stove burner. Again, how did you not beat us? Lol
Thanks for letting me express my creativity! My aunt Shirley one year got us an art set for Christmas! I can picture it clearly as I remember loving it! I am guessing you may not, lol. Me and James got up one night and decided to paint my room! We painted chairs and antique furniture and the floor, walls, ourselves? I don’t even remember getting in trouble for it lol. But hey, I am sure that night painting, contributed to part of James drawing talent today. Thanks for striping the paint off the vanity and fixing it and still letting me keep it.
Thank you for your patience, and love and caring. I am so lucky to have a mom like you. Love you always mom! PS when I cook you supper Sunday, I promise not to prepare it on the floor:)